Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Chilean Independence Day Today

Today is one of the biggest days of the year for a Chilean – el dieciocho de septiembre, Las Fiestas Patrias.  The 18th of September marks the anniversary of the first governmental junta in 1810.  This is Independence Day for Chile.  Most schools and jobs declare a week-long vacation for the holiday, and here at CTIO, we have four days off to celebrate.  Las Fiestas Patrias is not just a holiday, it is a celebration of Chilean culture, where traditional activities are proudly partaken and fondly embraced.  Chilean rodeos, dancing the Cueca, parades, and asados, (barbeques, the Chilean way) occur from Arica to Cabo de Hornos.  In honor of Las Fiestas Patrias, we have a delicious asado,.  The Tololo Chefs prepare our feast of lamb, beef, chorizos, empanadas, potato salad, mote con huesillos (traditional Chilean drink of sweet peach juice and barley), special cakes, breads, and salads.

(Photos courtesy Kevin Reil)

Even though this is the biggest holiday of the year in Chile, there is still a shift of people working on DECam.  For all the Brazilians, Canadians, British, Germans, and Americans working today, it is pretty neat to share the delicious food and Chilean pride together with our Chilean colleagues.  One of our chefs even wears his colorful poncho and chupalla (straw hat).  We are grateful to the Chilean staff working today helping to make great progress with DECam commissioning.  "We are committed to this project." Senior Software Programmer German Schumacher says, when asked about how he feels about coming in to the office during Fiestas Patrias.  When CTIO takes on a project, all staff are dedicated to do whatever it takes to get the job done.  Felices Fiestas Patrias y Gracias por compartir con nosotros compaƱeros chilenos!